LCC: Selection Case Day – BRUSSELS

LCC – Leuven Case Competition is one of the biggest student-organised case competitions in Belgium. Develop problem-solving skills, come into contact with our industry leading partners and above all, have a fun and challenging experience! This year we are proudly back with a physical edition! The selection case takes place across the four biggest student cities: Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Leuven. You can choose to participate at the location (and thus the date) of your preference! The top 50 teams will proceed to the finale in Leuven on Thursday March 24.
No background in business/economics needed
1. Assemble your team of 4 people.
2. Sign up before Thursday March 10.
3. Participate in the Selection Case on Wednesday March 16 in Brussels.
4. Top 50 teams progress to the Final Case Day on Thursday March 24 in Leuven! Registrations are now open:
All students from 3rd Bachelor or higher
WHAT TO EXPECTAll cases will be provided by our exclusive partners. After the presentation of the business problem by a high-end company, each team of four students will have 2 hours to prepare a solution to tackle the proposed challenge. Afterwards, each team will have to pitch their solution in a short time frame to a jury consisting of employees from the company.The goal is to solve the issue in a professional and structured manner in order to educate a decision maker and convince them to take action. Interdisciplinary collaboration is needed to think through all aspects of your solution.
LCC 2019 aftermovie:
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Selection Case – FREE of charge!!
Final Case Day – € 30 (includes: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afterparty and drinks)
[email protected]