Hoe does representation work?
Representation is the core business of Ekonomika Education. Our task as elected representatives of the FEB students is to be the voice of all the students every day, at both faculty and university level. This goes from course-related issues to large cases the concern all KU Leuven students. We strive to complete our task as a student representatives in a transparent and consistent way, in which communication to students is central to our operation. On this page we dive deeper into the different levels of representation, and where it influences the student life.
First of all, there are permanent education committees (POCs) of the various courses (BBA, BE …). Different topics are discussed here that are specifically linked to phases and majors within the program. It is the ideal place to mentioon problems with the professors and services of the faculty, or to give input about the quality of education. In these POCs, year representatives represent students: they are the point of contact in the auditorium for problems / questions / input about education. Each phase of each program has a year representative.

We also strive to be the voice of all the economics students at a university level. To achieve this, we are part of the general assembly of the student council as the ‘Studentenoverlegorgaan van de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen’, StEB. Here a lot of complex topics are discussed such as the post-corona educational model, the interpretation of activating education, study costs, calibration tests … StEB is the biggest fraction in the student council with a sixth of the votes. We represent the students of the four FEB campuses. Ekonomic Education wants to use that large voice within the student council to weigh on the important cases.

The student are also represented at the faculty level. First of all there is a place for the vice-president of education on the campus board. On this board, all matters are decided to do specifically with the Brussels Feb campus. Consider the greening of our campus, specific study guidance … Also in the faculty board there is a seat for the chairman of Steb (often the vice-praeses education of Ekonomika Leuven). Ekonomika Education also seats in the Campus Council and faculty council. This body has been compiled from all the professors and staff of the campus, supplemented with students. The policy plans are officially proposed here and input can be supplied. In addition, the Faculty Council decides on the board members of the Feb: Who can become dean?